MAJORS: Below are the requirements for this major in case you ever need them. You will need 100 credits to 'graduate' at the end of the year and you must include credits from both the Reading and Writing sections but it's up to you in how you split your 100 points.
MINORS: Below are the choices for credits in case you ever need them. The list is always being added to so check back often. You will need 25 credits by Christmas Break to earn your Minor of Communication Arts. The credits must include Reading and Writing but it is up to you in how you split the 25.
Reading –
- 5 credits – Library Book Club- Write a reflection in your Journal about the book you read
- 5 credits(20 max per semester)- Read a chapter book/non-fiction book of your choice (not below your reading level) and write a reflection in your Reading Journal OR type it in Google Drive and share it with Mrs. Bronn.
- 5 credits-Bronn’s Books Blog (20 credits max per semester)- Post to Bronn’s Book Blog reviewing ANY chapter book you’ve read that would
interest other gifted students (can not be combined with Book Club OR Library Challenges)
- 5 credits- Dress as a famous author or book character for Halloween. Record with video or pictures of you then sharing facts with Trick or Treaters about who you are. Share with the class the next week.
- 5 credits for Drama Club or Musical Theater Club - Participate and perform for 1 semester and get these credits.
- 10 credits for every 2 books (with 1 Reading Log Reflection using the Book Review Template for 1 of the books) you read from the MENSA For Kids Excellence In Reading Award List in grades 4-6. If you read all of them on the list, MENSA sends you a free t-shirt!
- 10 Credits for 1 Library Challenge- You can only do a challenge 1 time per semester. For instance you can NOT read 8 Mark Twains and count that as 2 Mark Twain Challenges. You could read 4 Mark Twains but your next 4 would need to be another challenge like An Author Challenge. Write a letter response or 1 entry in your Classroom Reading Log about your favorite book of the 4 you read. Bring your log from your regular class to show me for the 10 points or type it in Google Docs and share it with me when you are finished.
- 15 credits (50 max for year)- 1 Library Challenge with your Classroom Reading Log Entry/Google Doc of your favorite of the Challenge PLUS you turn that favorite book in the challenge into a ‘project’ – Choices: Book Review on Destiny Library site, Book Movie Trailer, turn into a comic book, turn into a play, Vlog on the book, (make a video book talk), or do you have another creative project idea let me know?
- 15 credits (30 max for the year)- You will work with another grade level teacher to write a Teacher Resource Guide for a Lit Group. This will involve; vocab, thick/thin questions, and activity. You will possibly even be given an opportunity to meet with a group in their class and help ‘guide’ the lit group discussion for that book. (4th grade-2nd grade teacher, 5th grade- 3rd grade teacher, 6th grade- 4th grade teacher)
- 20 credits for this year's Mark Twain Nominee Book Challenge- Read all 12 books from the 2015-2016 Mark Twain Nominees and turn in the voting sheet (no response logs/letters)
- 50 credits – Twain 24 Book Challenge for 2016-2017 Nominees is offered 1st semester only. You must write a mini review & score each book on the official form. When your sheet is turned in to Matzat/Houston you will be awarded your 50 credits. If you want your votes to count for next years Twain Award the paper needs to be turned in by December 1. If you just want to take the challenge then you have until the end of the semester to complete it.
Writing –
- Buchanan Intermediate Students- HERE is your list of dates for Spring Writing Projects available!
- Cedar Ridge Intermediate Students- HERE is your list of dates for Spring Writing Projects available!
- 5 credits- Submit draft for TL Young Authors Conference (at C of O)
5 credits for the TL Tutoring Party (at BI only)
* 10 credits- Participate in the Regional LAD Fair Spelling Bee
* 20 credits - Participate in State Spelling Bee
* 50 credits- Participate in National Spelling Bee